- Habilitation (HDR) in Data Mining for graph analysis, INSA Lyon, 2013.
- Ph.D in co-clustering, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, advisor: Nicolas Nicoloyannis, 2002.
Work experience
- 2022 Visiting Professor at the University of Bari ”Aldo Moro,” Italy (2 months) in the team led by Donato Malerba.
- 2014– Full Professor at INSA Lyon, Department of Industrial Engineering, affiliated within LIRIS laboratory, CNRS, UMR 5205.
- 2008–2009. INRIA Delegate in the D-NET team led by Eric Fleury.
- 2008 Visiting associate professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium (6 months) in the ADReM team working with Bart Goethals.
- 2003–2014. Associate Professor at INSA Lyon, Departments of Computer Science and propaedeutic cycle.
- 2002–2003. Post-Doc funded by INRIA Rhône-Alpes at the Center for Molecular and Cellular Genetics, UCBL (CNRS, UMR 5534).
- 2001–2002. Teaching Assistant (ATER) at INSA Lyon.
Service and leadership
- Head of the Data Mining & Machine Learning (DM2L) Team at LIRIS since 2012.
- Member of the Scientific Council of LIRIS lab since 2012.
- Elected member of the INSA Lyon Board of Studies (2014 – 2018).
- Member of 3 HCERES Evaluation Committees.
- Member of 38 PhD thesis and HDR juries.